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I have attended other online classes, but tend to be monotonous and boring like seeing regular vlogs. However, in Glamupthemidterms, in my opinion, this is a different online class.

Vicky Velasquez


8 Benefits of Learning English in the Era of Globalization

Congratulations to all of you reading this paper because there will be explained about the 8 benefits of learning English in this Globalization Era. It has become a general secret why in this Globalization Era, many people must be required to learn English. The reason is that English has become a supporting element for us to associate with foreigners considering that the free market has been opened.

Therefore, there is no need to linger, here are 8 Benefits of learning English in the Era of Globalization that must be considered and made a spirit for you to learn English:

Make it easier to communicate with others, especially when you play poker game

Learning English With Beautiful Teacher

We live on earth, which is inhabited by various people and, of course, from various countries. As human nature as social beings, of course, we have to communicate with other fellow human beings.

So, of course, one of the 18 benefits of learning English in this Globalization Era is helping us to communicate with others, especially when you want to play poker with your friends. Because most of the terms in poker use English automatically, you will quickly become proficient in speaking English. In addition, you will also be increasingly adept at playing poker. However, if you want to get better at it, you can start leaning by playing with friends. Besides getting better at poker, by playing poker you will be better at make your own decision in real life.

We all know, English is a universal language. So, of course, English is among the languages ​​most used by people on this earth.

In life, we may not later only meet with people who are one country with us. In his time, we will meet strangers. Then, if we master English, it will help us to communicate with these foreigners.

Add Knowledge

According to his understanding, knowledge is information that is realized by someone. So, referring to what has been described, you certainly understand why this can be included in the 18 benefits of learning English in the Globalization Era.

Of course, knowledge should be realized by every human being. However, what if we only know one language? Surely that knowledge is not entirely maximal we get. Knowing a variety of languages ​​will certainly greatly help you in gaining a lot of knowledge. However, if mastering a variety of languages ​​is difficult, English is a language that can represent all languages.

Because English is a universal language.
Therefore, learn English as much as possible from now on.

Makes You Look Cool

‘What’s up, man.’
‘By the way.’
‘On the way.’

We are certainly familiar with these words. For Indonesians, those who insert the word in daily chats certainly make them look cooler among the others. That is why this can be included in the list of benefits of learning English in the current era of globalization.

So you want to look cool to your friends?

Learn English, please.

Increasingly Update

One of the benefits of learning English in the Globalization Era is to keep us updated on news developments in the world.

Knowing news developments in an up-to-date manner will certainly make our insights open to anything that exists. This is very helpful when we gather with many people in a forum to participate in or convey various chats that discuss the issues that are hot at that time.

Can Adapt to the New Environment

English in Globalization Era

The benefits of learning English in the next era of globalization include the problem of adaptation. As humans, we should be able to adapt to various environments that will be occupied later. Someone fluent in English will certainly be able to quickly find out and understand the use of language in the new environment because it is clear that English is a universal language.

So, for those who travel to a place and meet a new environment, it is better to be able to speak English to easily adjust the conditions of the surrounding environment.

Work as a Translator

The benefits of learning English in the next Globalization Era include job problems. Translator work in Indonesia is needed.

By mastering English, we can also get income from it. Not bad.
So, still hesitant to learn English?

Can get Scholarships Abroad

Scholarships Abroad are one thing that many people want.

So, the benefits of learning English in this Globalization Era can lead them to get the scholarship.
So, for those of you who are interested in getting a scholarship abroad, it’s better to start learning English in depth because it is indeed the fluency of English that is a crucial prerequisite for achieving that.

Make It Easy to Learn Other Languages

The benefits of learning English in the last era of globalization and are very useful is that it can make it easier for you to understand other languages.

This is because when you understand English, even learning other languages ​​will flow and seem easy.
Interesting right?

So, there are 18 benefits of learning English in the Globalization Era, and there are probably many other benefits.
For those of you who feel moved to learn English, is the right answer for you to start learning it.

So when do you want to start?

8 Applications That Must Be Used by Innovative Teachers in The New School Year

Amazing things will happen if the education method is synergized with technological progress. Because students will be more eager to learn and feel they receive support for the needs they need.

Well, if you’re one of the innovative teachers, here are 8 powerful tools and applications that you can use from now on!

Plickers for formative assessment data

Plicker helps teachers make formative assessments using code. The only device needed is a tablet or smartphone. Plickers can be downloaded from the application store. The Plickers application can also be used by teachers to provide multiple choice questions to students.

The teacher can ask questions, and students are asked to hold the answer. With a quick scan, the teacher can get a tabulation of students’ answers in class. Plickers can be used to check whether students understand the material or not. The teacher can also know the needs of students through Plickers.

Write About to write digitally in class

Teachers can increase students’ interest in reading and write with the WriteAbout application. Students are given the opportunity to write interesting things that they encounter and like. Write About is a platform where students can write, give and receive feedback from each other, and publish their work. The teacher can provide advice and input.


Teachers can use this application for various purposes, namely improving writing skills, providing learning tips, and much more. Teachers can also use this application to provide tests, quizzes, and exams.


PlagScan helps teachers track plagiarism efforts. Because today many students are trying to copy the writings or other people’s work for their assignments. Especially in sophisticated times that are all relying on the Internet. Often the plagiarism paper is not detected by the teacher.


Versal can be used by teachers to provide courses to students. This course can be in the form of videos, interactive schedules, 3D models, and a variety of very interesting content. Teachers can also download content or import it from the Internet.


Teachers can provide formative assessments in real-time to students through this application. To do this, provide assignments using this application, then students complete them through the web. The teacher can see the students’ answers and provide feedback quickly. Questions are not limited to multiple-choice. They can describe their answers with pictures or other descriptions.


Periscope is an application that can be downloaded on Android and iOS phones. This application can be used to broadcast an event directly (live streaming). The teacher can also use the application to invite students to make broadcasts which are then presented. The teacher can also connect students with an expert that allows students to gain additional knowledge through Periscope via live streaming. Best practice for website to increase their trust from readers is the authenticity of the content. That strategy is used by whenever they publish their article about sports book or sports news on general.

Every day, the teachers present various topics in front of the students’ topics. If the teacher does it with the lecture model, chances are many students are bored. is designed to summarize the things that teachers convey through text with relevant content through readings such as newspapers. is indeed a kind of social media that allows users to enjoy it in a newspaper reading style.

What are the Differences between Blended Learning and E-Learning?

The rapid development of technology continues to make the education system in Indonesia better and more advanced to follow other countries. The education system continues to experience developments from those that only use conventional methods to switch to an all-digital model. Initially, the teaching and learning process only occurred in the classroom, but now the teaching and learning process is not bound by space and time.

The current digital education system produces a learning method that is Blended Learning and E-Learning. The E-Learning and Blended Learning Method have been popular with Indonesian students.

E-Learning or Electronic Learning Method is away in the teaching and learning process that uses electronic media and uses the internet as an intermediary in the teaching and learning process. At the same time, Blended Learning is away in the teaching and learning process that combines, combines, and combines conventional education systems with all-digital systems.

E-Learning and Blended Learning have in common because they use computers and the internet as intermediaries. But E-Learning and Blended Learning are different learning methods. Whereby using the E-Learning method, there is no reciprocal relationship in the teaching and learning process. While using the Blended Learning method, there is direct interaction in the form of direct discussion in the teaching and learning process.

Before the Blended Learning method, there was already a very familiar method, E-Learning. But in its implementation, it turns out E-Learning alone is not enough because there are still various obstacles. With E-Learning, there is no interaction in the learning process. The teaching and learning process certainly requires a system that can carry out the process in two directions. Feedback is certainly needed so that learning outcomes are better and perfect. Although a lot of material is obtained by using E-Learning, the learning process can be done anywhere and at any time, but it is still less effective and efficient.

Blended Learning was developed to perfect the E-Learning method. E-Learning and Blended Learning can be a solution to overcome the problem of education in Indonesia in terms of educational smoothing in Indonesia. The E-Learning Method is being implemented in the education system in Indonesia and will transform into Blended Learning.

With the existence of Blended Learning, Learning can be done anywhere and anytime using the internet. Students can access material freely and are required to be able to study independently because teaching materials are stored online. Instructors and instructors can provide feedback both in the form of questions and suggestions in realtime. So that discussions and questions and answers between lecturers and students not only take place in class hours but can also take place outside class hours. Lecturers can also control student learning, students can also explore the material to be delivered, and the process of providing supporting tasks can be informed more easily. Of course, the teaching and learning process becomes more efficient and more effective because communication and interaction between lecturers and students can continue to occur not only during class time.

With a Blended Learning program, the lecture schedule will be flexible so students can balance academic and non-academic activities. Blended Learning can also reduce education costs and improve learning outcomes. So the learning process does not only take place in the classroom but also utilizes the virtual world. So Blended Learning can be applied to tertiary institutions providing distance education and open education. It also can be used in non-formal education places such as courses because Blended Learning does not replace the conventional teaching and learning process but complements the conventional system.

The Best Widely Used FREE E-Learning Application

It’s more happening online or e-learning, is your campus planning to start an online college program? We know, now the learning method is different from the learning method of the past few years. The development of computers and also the development of computer networks have provided many changes in various sectors. One of the changes that are quite striking is in the field of education. For example, we can see that the Computer Based National Examination that has been held in the past few years is an example of the role of technology in education.

In addition to examinations, the development of computer networks can also be an advantage for students themselves. One of them is textbooks currently made in digital form by the government. Besides, the role of the internet for student learning achievement is the addition of knowledge. Seeing these opportunities, application developers have now created online tutoring. This application can be accessed either through computers, laptops, tablets, or even Android-based smartphones.

To this day, there are already quite a lot of E-learning applications that can be used for free. What are these applications? Here are the reviews:


EdLink is an application that helps students and lecturers in learning activities. Sharing information, lecture material/lessons, and giving assignments become easier only through the grip.

The following features you can get:

  1. Create discussion forums and classes – Inside the forum, you can connect with your friends, students, or lecturers. Sharing information, data, events, surveys, media, etc. has become easier. Forums can be made public and private. (Lecturers can only make class forums)
  2. Share anything – Any data/file you can share with friends in the same forum.
  3. Assignments in class – Lecturers can make assignments in class forums. The teacher can see all the answers. In the end, the student can see all of his friends’ answers. This feature helps lecturers/teachers to see how students’ understanding of the course/lesson material. From the student side, this feature helps them to add learning references from their friends’ answers.
  4. Private messages – Send private messages to your friends or lecturers who are on the same forum.
  5. Info, Events, and Surveys – in the forum, you can create post info to inform friends of the forum, make an event post to schedule an event for the forum, and post surveys to do surveys in the forum.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a mixed learning terrace dedicated to every scope of education that is intended to find a way out of trouble and classify each paperless assignment.

Google Classroom multiplies the number of Google services together to reach out a link for educational institutions to switch the way to a paperless system

The creation and assignment of tasks can be done through Google Drive while using Gmail to make notifications in Google classrooms. Students can be invited to a classroom in many ways, through the institutional database, through a personal code which can then be added to the student interface or brought in individually from the School Information Management System.

Google Classroom is integrated with Google Calendar from students and teachers. Each class is created by having a file separated by Google Classroom in each Google service where students can submit their work to be classified by a teacher.


Moodle is a website-based CMS eLearning application that can transform an offline learning medium into an online (web-based) form. This Moodle e-learning application allows students to enter digital classrooms to access learning materials.

By using Moodle, teachers can create learning materials, quizzes, electronic journals, and others. Along with the development of information technology, now Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) can also be used through applications based on Android and iOS.


Edmodo is one of the private microblogging platforms for student-teacher funding and emphasizes student privacy. Teachers and students can share links, documents, and notes. The teacher can also send alerts, assignments, and events to students.

At the end of 2008, Edmodo was developed by Jeff O’Hara and Nic Borg, who feel the need to develop in the school/campus environment to reflect that an increasingly global world and connected. They create a tool/application that can close the gap between how students live their lives and how they study at school/campus; for this reason, Edmodo exists. Edmodo was created as a social networking learning platform for teachers/lecturers, students, and parents/guardians.

With Edmodo, students are also more eager to learn. Besides, teachers or lecturers can continue online class discussions, give badges to individual students based on performance or behavior, and provide opinions to check student understanding.


Schoology is a learning management system solution specifically designed for collaboration between all types of students and instructors. The solution is aimed at K-12 learning (a term used in education and educational technology in the United States, i.e., such as kindergarten, and from grade one to grade twelve), higher education, and corporate training programs.

Schoology offers the next generation API and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) support, special branding, granular role creation, advanced assessment, and detailed analysis, for a fee. Like Edmodo, however, Schoology uses a Facebook aesthetic that is familiar with gamification features, mobile applications, and parent accounts. The freemium price model is also comparable to Edmodo. Students, parents, and teachers can play for free, but the admin will pay additional premium features. With the face of social networking and the foundation of the LMS company, Schoology touches a sweet spot for the management of K-12 learning.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

Are you a middle school teacher who wants to engage your students more interactively, or is a trainer in a large company tasked with making a training curriculum? E-learning packages in packages that provide several advantages in the creation and delivery process that is easier and less hassle.

Here are some of the advantages:

  • There are no restrictions

With limited location, time is one of the problems faced by participants and instructors in learning. In face-to-face learning, location limits some participants from participating, and location limits people from attending at certain times. E-learning facilitates learning without having to set when and where everyone interested in learning can attend.

  • More fun

Designing interactive training becomes more fun through the use of multimedia or the developed gamification method. This increases your involvement. The use of training materials that are too outdated is questionable.

  • Very suitable

In line with organizations and companies that use technology to improve day-to-day operational efficiency, internet usage is a necessity. Multinational companies that develop throughout the world have the opportunity to work with people from other countries and train all parties together, and this is a problem that is successfully overcome by e-learning by learning online.

Let’s put all of that together and apply it to life.

To increase the credibility of learning material, often a professor will call someone who is an expert in his field to give lectures in accordance with existing topics. In the traditional education model, the professor must submit an invitation to the expert and cover the costs of his flight, residence, and training.

Learning with E-Learning

With e-learning, a professor or instructor no longer has to spend a lot of money to be able to host a school. This can be done virtually, using a camera for both lecturers and students, and a microphone to facilitate the same interaction. So you can imagine the lecturer as if physically present in the room. An added benefit is that we can repeat lectures and get more out of e-learning. Absent students can view the recording, or students who are present can watch it again to increase their understanding.

Weaknesses of e-learning

Although e-learning provides many benefits, there are undeniably some disadvantages. Skills that require practice are somewhat difficult to obtain from online sources. For example, making a wooden table is something that you can easily share information with by recording videos and explaining, but it requires practice. Practicing experience is very important.

  • Isolated / isolated

Although e-learning offers convenience, flexibility, and the ability to access classes remotely at their own time, participants may feel isolated. This is because online learning is an act that is done alone for joint activities, which may give the feeling that they are acting entirely alone. As technology advances and the benefits of e-learning, and by using tools such as social media, video conferences, or discussion forums, students can be seen to be more actively communicating with professors or other students.

  • Health-related

E-learning requires the use of computers and other similar devices, and this means that eye fatigue, poor posture, and other physical problems can affect the learning process. When running an online course, it’s a good idea to send a guide about the correct sitting posture, work desk height, and recommendations for regular breaks.

The Main Benefits of Online Education You Need to Know Before Making a Decision

The internet has become one of the things that are very well known and needed by many people in the world. The internet is like opium for people, do not know old or young, even almost all fields of education in the world need the internet to add information and advance the level of education. Those who struggle in the field of education, both instructors and participants of learning, have recognized the presence and benefits of the internet as a medium that has succeeded in creating a rapidly developing high-speed online education industry in the world.

Education is no longer limited by location, wealth, time, or status. Today, there are so many online learning sites that are continually innovating, adding new courses with teaching methods that are practical and accessible at every possible opportunity. This movement enables online learning to be the right choice at the forefront of teaching because it is always updated, refined, and improved based on feedback from the learning participants.

To explain how important online education is, it is important first to understand the main benefits, which we will describe in this article.

  1. Available for Anyone, Anytime and Anywhere

This is one of the benefits of online education, which is very interesting when compared to other non-online education. Availability is considered as one of the important foundations of online learning. Traditionally, education is limited to certain places, not even everyone can get to that place, and the time offered is also very limited.

Before online education came, we can only gain knowledge from schools, colleges, and universities. If class participants are unable to go because of something, then they might not feel that education is their choice. Since online education is present, this gives a different color to the world of education, not least in Indonesia. Regardless of your geographical location, this learning method is available from anywhere.

We can even learn a lot of knowledge only through mobile phones; those who study online from Indonesia can have the same experience as someone who learns from an office in London. The time difference is also not something that does not impede the education system anymore. Online learning material that is published consistently can make it easier for participants to choose their time in reviewing existing material.

  1. Affordable Prices

Another advantage of online learning is the overall cost is quite cheap and affordable when compared to the cost of traditional education in schools and colleges.

Not a few participants had to volunteer to borrow money from the bank to be able to continue their education, which was getting more and more expensive. Online education provides the perfect solution to this problem. The number of participants enrolled in a course can increase dramatically when taught online, without reducing the quality of the participants’ learning experiences.

  1. Flexibility

Online education gives participants flexibility over the subject they want to learn. Like the first point discussed above availability, the flexibility offered by online education gives participants a choice to study the subject they want to study anywhere and anytime.

This flexibility is very important in making education more accessible to many people around the world, and that is why online learning, in my opinion, is the future of education. Online education has bought the magic of learning to a new generation. This provides exceptional opportunities for participants who were not even available in the past 5 years.

  1. More Practical and Diverse

The digital revolution allows variation to play an increasingly large role in our daily lives. Everyone has access to so much information about so many topics that we can all find answers to every question we have.

Usually, in offline (traditional) education, learning participants may be tempted to take more general courses that cover several aspects of what they want to learn. However, online learning allows participants to be more in control of the topic and material they want to learn. From art, music, marketing, or business, photography, and other materials.

Even so, each course given needs to be delivered by a professional, someone who is at the forefront, real-world skills, not someone who is constantly immersing themselves in theory without looking at experiencing actual relevant events. This is an important consideration that can often be ignored so that it harms online participants.

  1. Does Online Education Have Disadvantages?

Even so, online education also has significant shortcomings. What might be overlooked in online education is that there is no direct interaction with the instructor though this is an absolute necessity that is needed by everyone to interact with the instructor and can provide questions directly to the instructor. Curiosity possessed by humans is a thing that is naturally present. And this is what online education cannot offer, learning participants cannot take part in discussions, and any interactions.

There are some obvious benefits to online education when comparing it to traditional education formats. I believe that utilizing this digital revolution will improve education throughout the world and encourage participants to advance, especially in their careers.

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